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“Healing people and the planet through agriculture”

Sero Seed Company

Biodynamic® Product Spotlight

Sero Biodynamic Seed

"With Biodynamics in general, we're pretty pleased that we can offer a full line of BD seeds. When we got started, there wasn't much to offer. On our own farm we were able to round out the total offerrings on the farm," exclaims Tom Johns founder of Sero Seed Company.

Sero Seed is available throughout the Pacific Northwest in garden centers, coops and in Whole Foods Market. Striving to create a library of open pollinated seeds for year round use. Sero Seed has dwindled down from hundreds of varieties to the powerhouse producers, unmatched taste and strong storage types.

Sero Biodynamic Seed was created by Tom & Julie Johns, owners of Territorial Seed Company, as a way to help establish and promote Biodynamic agriculture in the US.